ELD Electronic Log Device

ELD Electronic Log Device
A Great Opportunity to increase your companies efficiency is right around the corner, and by doing so you may be able to save a lot of $
Major changes are coming to the freight world, changes that may have an immediate impact on your business. We at WOOD-HALL Logistics thought it right to inform you of these changes.
Commencing December 18th, 2017 all trucks running across state/ provincial lines will be required to run an Electronic Logging Device (ELD), as per the U.S. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. This device essentially monitors and limits the amount of time an individual driver can be behind the wheel with your cargo.
The mandatory ELD is one of the biggest changes in the history of the freight industry, as paper logs have always been considered the norm. As one can imagine, paper logs can and regularly do get manipulated to increase the available time a driver is able to operate his or her vehicle. Unfortunately the manipulation of these log books, allowing for extended hours has been linked to multiple highway and city accidents involving transport vehicles. This change is designed to reduce this as well as many other potential issues that arise from a lack of driver visibility.
As great as these changes are and as much as they are needed, they do come at a potential cost to you and your business. With full transparency, drivers are now physically unable to extend their hours within their vehicles. Scheduling, Loading Times, Wait Times will becoming scrutinized as they play a major role in non-road hours that ultimately subtract from drivers available on-road hours.
We at Wood-Hall like to see this an a opportunity rather than an adversity. This is an opportunity for us as freight brokers to become more efficient, ask more questions, streamline our processes and procedures to ensure your freight moves as smoothly as possible. This may also be an opportunity for internal reflection within your organization to determine if best practice are currently on place or if there is room for improvement.
Listed below are items we feel can will assist with streamlining your pick up and deliveries, reducing wait times and avoiding unnecessary rate increases as a result of the new freight standards.
Please consider the following:
Create flexible appointments time slots for pick up and deliveries.
Consider extending shipping and receiving hours.
Provide contact information for Shipper/Receiver to allow for communication between all parties.
Reduce loading times by having product pre-arranged and in an organized fashion.
Prepare documents & invoices ahead of time and send them to the carrier prior to pick up.
Make sure your shipment dimensions and weights are extremely accurate prior to booking.
Should you have any questions regarding ELD and their potential impact on your business or should you wish to sit down and discuss how we may assist with your current freight procedures, please don’t hesisate to reach out.
Best Regards
Ryan Ostofe,
Director, Business Development